
02c8433cd9ff47f499e37434f73883e5So this is weird. I just found this writing challenge on the internet called Nanowrimo which links to a site on WordPress called The Daily Post. Every day there’s a different writing prompt and every day you write a blog post based on the prompt. Guess what the prompt was for November 4. Write about how you have been moved by music. Not only was their prompt exactly what we did yesterday in the Annex, but I assigned it November 4. Either I’m hooked into the Cosmic Unconsciousness or someone at WordPress has secretly chipped my brain. I never saw the prompt ’til November 6th — after you’d presented your stories in the Annex.

Anyway, whatever the Nameless People of America wrote couldn’t possibly be as good as your writing. That was my favourite day in Writing, so far. I liked Tree Day, but to me, Music Day was even better. And let’s be honest, we all would have paid admission to hear Sidney’s piece. I am really looking forward to Tuesday! Please make sure you have yours finished if you haven’t read already.

Update #1: More synchronicity. Before I updated your blog, I updated my Eng 10 blog, adding a list of all the TV shows we’ve watched  in class.  Just as I was adding the picture defining synchronicity, a student came in and asked if I’d give him a list of the shows they’d seen in class. If I just think it, will Colin Firth walk through the door?

Update #2:  No.

Update #3: Here’s the link to The Daily Post‘s Weekly Challenge: If you want to submit what you’ve already written, do so!!

Update #4: I’m going to try both challenges: writing a (very bad) book in a month and blogging every day.  

Update #5: If you try the blog a day and do a post you think is brilliant, you could probably substitute it for an assignment. It should just be roughly the same length.

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